@flowes and @highlight FACEBOOK आइडी सुरक्षित छ/पहिचान छैन ?

facebook id सुरक्षित छ/पहिचान छैन कमेन्टमा @highlight Nepali!

@flowes and @highlight FACEBOOK आइडी सुरक्षित छ/पहिचान छैन ?

@highlight article is provided in Facebook comments for Nepali users to know if their account is safe/unsecured. Open shell for entertainment There is a misconception that if you comment like this on the Facebook page, the account is safe.

If you search for 'Facebook's new wonder' in a social media search, you'll see a post on the Facebook page with a photo of Mark Zuckerberg, CO of Meta. "Facebook's new wonder, go to the comments and give the text first, then highlight the highlighted text," the post reads, "If the highlighted text is blue, you know your identity is strong and can't do it to a great extent."

Apart from that, if the highlighted comment in that post is not blue, the user is suggested to follow the page to make it blue. If you don't see the blue letter after following, you are asked to share the post. Even then, if the comment is not blue, it seems that they are falsely promoting that the account is insecure.

Some people have expressed doubt on those posts while others are commenting highlighting whether the account is safe or not. When this happens, social media users are easily fooled and follow such deceptive pages in the name of keeping their accounts safe.

@highlight What happens when you write a comment?

@highlight and @follower are recent features on Facebook. A highlight is a tag that lets people know about any post that has ads.

For example, if you comment @highlight on a post, that post will reach your friends. Likewise, if you've written a comment with the @Follower tag, the post will reach the account you're following. Some will know you've been mentioned through a notification, while others will see it in their feed.

You can use this tag if you have a sensitive post or if you want to notify a person or follower about the post. Facebook page seems to have adopted this method to increase its followers.

Did you know that the account is secure when writing a highlight comment?

No, writing a comment does not mean that you will know whether the account is safe or not. Earlier, wrong information was spread that put the password of Facebook in the comment, if ****** comes, the account is safe, if not, it is not safe. Many users trust such information and give their passwords. As a result, the number of hacked accounts has increased.

According to cyber security analysts, those who write this type of comment to know if their Facebook account is safe can also have their account hacked. "When they know they're making a comment that's normal, the fraudster knows their vulnerability," said the cyber security analyst, adding, "The fraudster can then send a friend request and take over the account. A single comment."

These pages make fun of Facebook's security features

It seems that various security features introduced to keep users safe on social networks are being mocked. Trolling is done from such pages especially referring to users who use features like Account Private, Profile Guard and Profile Lock.

After making fun of such features, some people turn them off even if they use them. Some view users of such features differently.

Is there a way to know if a Facebook account is secure?

Facebook has not introduced any feature that the account is safe or not. However, users can obtain information about Facebook account security by adopting various methods. A feature called 'Privacy Check' is available for this.

You can click here to know more about this feature. Change your password from time to time to keep your Facebook account secure. Turn on two-factor authentication.

By doing this, even if someone else gets the password, they won't be able to login to the account until they enter the OTP code or recovery code that came on their device. Link the email address on your account. So that even after the account has been hacked, it can be brought back.

 @flowes and @highlight FACEBOOK आइडी सुरक्षित छ/पहिचान छैन ? 

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