vegetables name - Vegetable Names in English: 100+ Most Common Vegetable Names

 Vegetable Names in English: 100+ Most Common Vegetable Names

vegetables name

A beginner who wants to excel in English at home can start with the names of vegetables. This is one of the simplest and most common strategies involved in building vocabulary and stepping into the world of the English language. It is easy, simple, interesting, and related to daily life. Similarly, you can also learn names of fruits, animals and things.

But it turns out that most of us know only a few common vegetable names. To increase and expand your knowledge, we have listed more than 100+ vegetable names.

Vegetable Names

Names of vegetables and their definitions

It is good practice to be aware of the definition of vegetables. Here is a very simple definition of vegetables. Vegetables are defined as any part of a plant that is consumed as food. It is often used to enhance various dishes in cooking and is an important source of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

We know the definition of a vegetable. Let's go into what are the different types of vegetables described in the next section here.

Name different types of vegetables with examples

Plants have leaves, stems, roots, flowers and many more. Vegetables can be classified into different types based on the parts of the plant. Names of different parts of vegetables are as follows:

Some common 50+ vegetable names

A beginner-friendly most common vegetable name piques our interest. So, it is a good practice to start with simple and basic vegetables. Which will make your English language learning journey fun and effective.

Vegetable names in English

List of 100+ Common Vegetable Names

1. काउली (Cauliflower)
 2. बन्दाकोबी (Cabbage)
 3. आलुबोखारा (Potato) 
4. गाजर (Carrot)
5. प्याज (Onion) 
6. फर्सी (French Beans) 
7. तोरी (Zucchini) 
8. शकरकन्द (Sweet Potato) 
9. साग (Spinach) 
10. ब्रोकोली (Broccoli) 
11. फरसीको फूल (Cauliflower Florets) 
12. मूला (Radish) 
13. लसुन (Garlic) 
14. गोलभेडा (Beetroot) 
15. केरा (Banana) 
16. सजिब (Lettuce) 
17. चुकुन्दर (Beet) 
18. फर्सीको पात (Bean Leaves) 
19. करेला (Bitter Gourd) 
20. परवल (Pointed Gourd) 
21. तोटो (Squash) 
22. गुन्दुक (Sisnoo/Gundruk) 
23. भिण्डी (Okra/Ladyfinger) 
24. पन्या फल (Tomato) 
25. केरी (Cucumber) 
26. कौदी (Ridge Gourd) 
27. फरसीको ढल (Bean Pods) 
28. पिंडालु (Pumpkin)
29. सीताफल (Custard Apple) 
30. ककरो (Radish Pods) 
31. तोतोपी (Cauliflower Leaves) 
32. तोमाटो (Tomato) 
33. घिउ (Wheat) 
34. जिम्बु (Lemon) 
35. दल (Lentil) 
36. काउलीको ढल (Cauliflower Stalks) 
37. तोफु (Tofu) 
38. सजिव (Lettuce) 
39. तितो टमाटर (Cherry Tomato) 
40. घिउको पिठो (Wheat Flour)
 41. फर्सीको बीउ (Bean Seeds) 
42. फर्सीको झोल (Bean Broth) 
43. सुँगवा (Mustard Greens) 
44. स्पिनेल (Spinach)
 45. सेलरी (Celery) 
46. धनिया (Coriander) 
47. तितो आलु (New Potato) 
48. अलुबुखारा (Potato) 
49. अनार (Pomegranate) 
50. सजिव पात (Lettuce Leaves) 
51. सिमि (Green Peas) 
52. अदु (Ginger) 
53. चिचिन्डो (Mushroom) 
54. फरसीको गोली (Bean Balls) 
55. केटो (Colocasia) 
56. खेरी (Cucumber) 
57. तोतोको फूल (Cauliflower Florets) 
58. भुर्बुर (Yam) 
59. सजिवको झोल (Lettuce Broth) 
60. ताजा पिंडालु (Fresh Pumpkin)
61. गाजरको खेत (Carrot Field) 
62. चुकुन्दरको पत्ता (Beet Leaves) 
63. घिउको खेत (Wheat Field) 64. च्याउ (Peas) 
65. धनियाको पत्ता (Coriander Leaves) 
66. ताजा गाजर (Fresh Carrot) 
67. भुर्बुरको खेत (Yam Field) 
68. तितो गोलभेडा (Fresh Beetroot) 
69. अनारको रस (Pomegranate Juice)
 70. कुर्कुरी फर्सी (Crispy Beans) 
71. सुँगवाको पात (Mustard Greens) 
72. तितो खेरी (Fresh Cucumber) 
73. गोलभेडाको पत्ता (Beet Leaves)
74. ककरोको पात (Radish Pods) 
75. अदुको खोल (Ginger Skin) 
76. चुकुन्दरको पात (Beet Leaves) 
77. गाजरको पत्ता (Carrot Leaves) 
78. सजिवको पात (Lettuce Leaves) 
79. घिउको पिठोको खाजा (Wheat Flour Snack) 
80. सिमिको पात (Green Pea Leaves)
81. अलुको छिल्को पारी (Potato Skin) 
82. केराको पत्ता (Banana Leaves)
83. सागको पात (Spinach Leaves)
84. गाजरको मूल (Carrot Root) 
85. गुन्दुकको तोप (Gundruk Lump)
86. आलुको छिल्को (Potato Skin)
87. प्याजको खोल (Onion Skin)
88. फरसीको बुटन (Bean Button) 
89. गुन्दुकको पिठो (Gundruk Powder) 
90. गोलभेडाको पारी (Beetroot Leaves)
 91. अदुको पारी (Ginger Leaves)
 92. अलुको पारी (Potato Leaves) 
93. सजिवको खेत (Lettuce Field) 
94. करेलाको पारी (Bitter Gourd Leaves) 
95. कुर्कुरी फरसीको खाजा (Crispy Beans Snack)
 96. सिमिको पारी (Green Pea Leaves) 
97. गुन्दुकको पारी (Gundruk Leaves) 
98. आलुको मूल (Potato Root)
 99. प्याजको पारी (Onion Leaves) 
100. फरसीको पारी (Bean Leaves) 

A detailed list of 30+ vegetable names is as follows:

Vegetables Names

Ash gourd [ खरानी ]

Broccoli. ब्रोकाउली

Cucumber. काकडी

Celery. अजवाइन

Bitter Gourd. तिते करेला

Elephant Yam. हात्ती तरुल

Carrot. गाजर

Spring Onion वसन्त प्याज

Potato. आलु

Capsicum. क्याप्सिकम

Turnip. शलजम


Cluster Beans

Green Peas


Apple Gourd





Ridge Gourd


Chow Chow


Lady Finger

Snake Gourd

Ivy Gourd



Lab Lab

Green Papaya



Bottle Gourd

Snake Beans


White Pumpkin


Field Beans / Broad Beans


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List of fruit names

Flower name in English

Name the vegetables based on the different types

In this article we have discussed about different types of vegetables. The names are root vegetables, stem vegetables, leafy vegetables, flowering vegetables, root vegetables, bulb vegetables and fruit vegetables.

Let's explore the names of each type of vegetable with examples described here in the next section.

List of Top 10 Root Vegetable Names

Did you know we eat plant roots? Yes, you read that right, there are some plants on earth whose roots can be consumed. These vegetables belong to the category of root vegetables. Here are some common root vegetable names.





white radish


sugar beet




10+ Names of Leafy Vegetables

Plants whose leaves are edible are classified as leafy vegetables. Some examples of leafy vegetable names are as follows:




Mustard green

Spring onions

Skip the coriander







Name some common stem vegetables

The stems of some plants are also eaten by humans. Such vegetables are classified as stem vegetables. A list of stem vegetable names is illustrated below. Check them out.

Lemon grass






Swiss chard


List of Flowering Vegetables

Flowering vegetables are vegetables that are the flowers of plants. Following is a list of flower family vegetable names.




banana flower

Zucchini flower

A common bulb vegetable name

A list of some common bulb vegetable names is as follows:


Spring onions




Top 10 tuber vegetables list

Here is a list of top 10 tuber family vegetable names.




Chinese potatoes



Elephant yam

Greater Yam

Purple yam


List of 10+ Fruits and Vegetables

The top 10 fruit vegetable names are as follows:






string beans

green banana


lady's finger



Why should you learn the names of vegetables?

Vegetable names are easy but sometimes they can complicate things. Therefore, it is good practice to know the most common vegetable names. Some scenarios where people face difficulty in identifying or mentioning names of vegetables.

A restaurant is a place where people like to have lunch and dinner. But if you don't know the exact name of the vegetable while ordering food. You may not get your favorite food.

The grocery store is another place where people struggle to pronounce the names of vegetables. This may be due to the lack of information about the name of the vegetable.

Many people love to cook but struggle when mentioning the name of vegetable.

Hence, it is better to learn the names of vegetables to avoid the above-mentioned situations.

Some miscellaneous vegetables

We have learned about different types of vegetables. But here is a list of some miscellaneous vegetables. Some of them are fruits and grains but are treated as vegetables.


Corn (technically a grain, but often treated as a vegetable)

Avocado (fruit but used as a vegetable in many dishes)



Some common vegetable names and their key information

Generally people know the name of vegetable but not much about its appearance, health benefits and nutritional values. Therefore, in the table below we have detailed here the key information about some common vegetables.

Vegetable Name


Nutritional Value

Health Benefit


It has a round or oval shape with some rough outer skin.

It varies in color from red to golden pink and white.

Low in calories

Good source of nutrients like vitamin C, potassium.

Beetroot is beneficial for heart health, blood pressure regulation, and improved exercise performance.

bitter gourd

It has a rectangular shape with a shallow and uneven surface.

Light green to dark green.

Low in calories and carbohydrates

Good source of vitamins A and C

Help manage blood sugar levels

Bitter gourd can aid in digestion and weight management


The roots are generally cylindrical in shape, tapered at one end and green leafy top at the other.

Orange is the normal color of carrots. Other colors of carrots are purple, yellow, red and white

Low in calories.

Good source of vitamins and minerals

The root is beneficial for eye health due to its high beta-carotene content.

It promotes digestive health


Cauliflower typically has a thick, rounded head of tightly packed florets.

While the most common variety is white

Low in calories and carbohydrates

A good source of vitamins C and K, as well as folate, vitamin B6

Support digestive health and aid in detoxification.

It is important for brain health

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Animal Names in English

Scientific name of vegetable

Difference between fruits and vegetables

Vegetable Names in English - FAQs

What is the importance of learning the names of vegetables?

Students use vegetables daily in their diet. Therefore, it is easy to introduce them to different types of vegetables and good practice to increase vocabulary.

What are the different types of vegetables?

Different types of vegetables are stem vegetables, leafy vegetables, root vegetables, flowering vegetables, bulb vegetables and tuber vegetables.

What are common leafy vegetables?

The most common leafy vegetables are cabbage, spinach, coriander leaves, mint, celery, lettuce and arugula. Since these vegetables are made up of plant leaves, they are called leafy.

What are the 10 best vegetables?

The 10 best vegetables are potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, spinach, carrots, green beans, coriander leaves, mint and broccoli.

Which vegetables help improve eyesight?

Since carrots are high in beta carotene, they are very beneficial for improving vision. It also improves digestion.

What are leafy vegetables?

Any vegetable whose leaves and stems are edible is considered a leafy vegetable. For example, spinach, coriander, kale etc.

Is it important for students to learn the names of vegetables?

Teaching the different names of vegetables will create awareness among the students, they will be curious to know about those vegetables and eventually they will develop good eating habits.

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