vegetables name in nepali [ 100 सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण नेपाली तरकारी नाम ] Names Of Vegetables In Nepali

vegetables name [vegetables name in nepali; 100 सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण नेपाली तरकारी नाम ]] 

vegetables name in nepali [ 100 सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण नेपाली तरकारी नाम ]

नेपालीमा सब्जिहरूका नामहरू लेख्दा, हाम्रो बोलिमा प्रयुक्त गरिएको सबै प्रकारको पारम्परिक राजकिय खानापिनाका संकेतका रूपले पनि प्रकट हुन्छ। यस्तै, तोरी, गोलभेडा, फर्सी, बन्दा, केरा, सिमि, तरुल, फापर, धनिया, टामाटर, रायो, कौली, अदुवा, अनार, तोते, खुर्सानी, गुल्मिले, अलु, तितो र तोरी आदि। यी सब्जिहरूलाई नेपालको विभिन्न भौगोलिक परिपर्णताका साथमा उपभोग गरिन्छ र यीले नेपालको खाद्य संस्कृतिलाई परिपूर्ण बनाउँछ।


Names Of Vegetables In Nepali.

1. काउली (Cauliflower)
 2. बन्दाकोबी (Cabbage)
 3. आलुबोखारा (Potato) 
4. गाजर (Carrot)
5. प्याज (Onion) 
6. फर्सी (French Beans) 
7. तोरी (Zucchini) 
8. शकरकन्द (Sweet Potato) 
9. साग (Spinach) 
10. ब्रोकोली (Broccoli) 
11. फरसीको फूल (Cauliflower Florets) 
12. मूला (Radish) 
13. लसुन (Garlic) 
14. गोलभेडा (Beetroot) 
15. केरा (Banana) 
16. सजिब (Lettuce) 
17. चुकुन्दर (Beet) 
18. फर्सीको पात (Bean Leaves) 
19. करेला (Bitter Gourd) 
20. परवल (Pointed Gourd) 
21. तोटो (Squash) 
22. गुन्दुक (Sisnoo/Gundruk) 
23. भिण्डी (Okra/Ladyfinger) 
24. पन्या फल (Tomato) 
25. केरी (Cucumber) 
26. कौदी (Ridge Gourd) 
27. फरसीको ढल (Bean Pods) 
28. पिंडालु (Pumpkin)
29. सीताफल (Custard Apple) 
30. ककरो (Radish Pods) 
31. तोतोपी (Cauliflower Leaves) 
32. तोमाटो (Tomato) 
33. घिउ (Wheat) 
34. जिम्बु (Lemon) 
35. दल (Lentil) 
36. काउलीको ढल (Cauliflower Stalks) 
37. तोफु (Tofu) 
38. सजिव (Lettuce) 
39. तितो टमाटर (Cherry Tomato) 
40. घिउको पिठो (Wheat Flour)
 41. फर्सीको बीउ (Bean Seeds) 
42. फर्सीको झोल (Bean Broth) 
43. सुँगवा (Mustard Greens) 
44. स्पिनेल (Spinach)
 45. सेलरी (Celery) 
46. धनिया (Coriander) 
47. तितो आलु (New Potato) 
48. अलुबुखारा (Potato) 
49. अनार (Pomegranate) 
50. सजिव पात (Lettuce Leaves) 
51. सिमि (Green Peas) 
52. अदु (Ginger) 
53. चिचिन्डो (Mushroom) 
54. फरसीको गोली (Bean Balls) 
55. केटो (Colocasia) 
56. खेरी (Cucumber) 
57. तोतोको फूल (Cauliflower Florets) 
58. भुर्बुर (Yam) 
59. सजिवको झोल (Lettuce Broth) 
60. ताजा पिंडालु (Fresh Pumpkin)
61. गाजरको खेत (Carrot Field) 
62. चुकुन्दरको पत्ता (Beet Leaves) 
63. घिउको खेत (Wheat Field) 64. च्याउ (Peas) 
65. धनियाको पत्ता (Coriander Leaves) 
66. ताजा गाजर (Fresh Carrot) 
67. भुर्बुरको खेत (Yam Field) 
68. तितो गोलभेडा (Fresh Beetroot) 
69. अनारको रस (Pomegranate Juice)
 70. कुर्कुरी फर्सी (Crispy Beans) 
71. सुँगवाको पात (Mustard Greens) 
72. तितो खेरी (Fresh Cucumber) 
73. गोलभेडाको पत्ता (Beet Leaves)
74. ककरोको पात (Radish Pods) 
75. अदुको खोल (Ginger Skin) 
76. चुकुन्दरको पात (Beet Leaves) 
77. गाजरको पत्ता (Carrot Leaves) 
78. सजिवको पात (Lettuce Leaves) 
79. घिउको पिठोको खाजा (Wheat Flour Snack) 
80. सिमिको पात (Green Pea Leaves)
81. अलुको छिल्को पारी (Potato Skin) 
82. केराको पत्ता (Banana Leaves)
83. सागको पात (Spinach Leaves)
84. गाजरको मूल (Carrot Root) 
85. गुन्दुकको तोप (Gundruk Lump)
86. आलुको छिल्को (Potato Skin)
87. प्याजको खोल (Onion Skin)
88. फरसीको बुटन (Bean Button) 
89. गुन्दुकको पिठो (Gundruk Powder) 
90. गोलभेडाको पारी (Beetroot Leaves)
 91. अदुको पारी (Ginger Leaves)
 92. अलुको पारी (Potato Leaves) 
93. सजिवको खेत (Lettuce Field) 
94. करेलाको पारी (Bitter Gourd Leaves) 
95. कुर्कुरी फरसीको खाजा (Crispy Beans Snack)
 96. सिमिको पारी (Green Pea Leaves) 
97. गुन्दुकको पारी (Gundruk Leaves) 
98. आलुको मूल (Potato Root)
 99. प्याजको पारी (Onion Leaves) 
100. फरसीको पारी (Bean Leaves) 

 most important vegetable explained ;

vegetables name in nepali [ 100 सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण नेपाली तरकारी नाम ] Names Of Vegetables In Nepali

vegetables name in nepali [ 100 सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण नेपाली तरकारी नाम ]


 1. काउली (Cauliflower): A cruciferous vegetable with a dense, flowering head composed of compact, undeveloped flower buds. Cauliflower is commonly used in curries, soups, stir-fries, and can also be roasted or mashed.

 2. बन्दाकोबी (Cabbage): Cabbage has tightly layered leaves forming a round or oblong head. It's versatile and used in coleslaw, salads, sauerkraut, and various cooked dishes. 

 3. आलुबोखारा (Potato): Potatoes are starchy tubers, usually brown or white, that can be boiled, mashed, roasted, fried, or used in dishes like curries and soups. 

 4. गाजर (Carrot): Carrots are orange, red, yellow, or purple root vegetables, rich in beta-carotene, which can be eaten raw, cooked, or used in juices and salads.

 5. प्याज (Onion): Onions are bulb vegetables known for their pungent aroma and flavor. They are used as a base for many dishes and can be sautéed, caramelized, or eaten raw in salads.

 6. फर्सी (French Beans): Also known as green beans, they have long, slender pods containing small seeds. They're commonly used in stir-fries, salads, and side dishes. 

 7. तोरी (Zucchini): Zucchini is a summer squash with tender flesh and mild flavor. It can be grilled, sautéed, baked, or used in dishes like ratatouille. 

 8. शकरकन्द (Sweet Potato): Sweet potatoes come in various colors and have a sweet taste. They can be baked, mashed, fried, or used in pies and casseroles. 

 9. साग (Spinach): Spinach is a dark green leafy vegetable, loaded with vitamins and minerals. It's used in a variety of dishes, such as saag curries and salads. 

 10. ब्रोकोली (Broccoli): Broccoli has green florets and stalks that are both edible. It can be steamed, boiled, roasted, or used in soups and stir-fries. 

 11. फरसीको फूल (Cauliflower Florets): These are the individual flower clusters of the cauliflower plant, often used in cooking for their mild flavor and texture. 

 12. मूला (Radish): Radishes are root vegetables with a crisp texture and peppery taste. They are used in salads, as garnishes, and even pickled. 

 13. लसुन (Garlic): Garlic is a bulbous plant used for its strong flavor and potential health benefits. It's commonly used in cooking as a seasoning or ingredient. 

 14. गोलभेडा (Beetroot): Beetroot is a root vegetable with a deep red or purple color. It can be boiled, roasted, pickled, or used in salads.

 15. केरा (Banana): Bananas are tropical fruits with a soft, sweet flesh and a convenient, natural packaging. They are often eaten raw as a snack. 

 16. सजिब (Lettuce): Lettuce comes in various types, like iceberg, romaine, and leaf lettuce. It's used as a base for salads and can also be used as a wrap. 

 17. चुकुन्दर (Beet): Beets are root vegetables with a sweet, earthy flavor. They're often roasted, boiled, or used raw in salads. 

 18. फरसीको ढल (Bean Leaves): These are the leaves of bean plants and are used as a green vegetable in Nepali cuisine. 

 19. करेला (Bitter Gourd): Bitter gourd is a vegetable known for its bitter taste and potential health benefits. It's used in various dishes and has a unique flavor. 

 20. परवल (Pointed Gourd): Pointed gourd is a green vegetable with a mild flavor. It's often used in curries and stir-fries.

 21. तोटो (Squash): This is a general term for various types of squash, including pumpkins and zucchinis. They can be used in a variety of dishes, both sweet and savory. 

 22. गुन्दुक (Sisnoo/Gundruk): Gundruk is a fermented leafy green vegetable, a staple in Nepali cuisine. It's made by fermenting greens like mustard leaves and radish greens. 

 23. भिण्डी (Okra/Ladyfinger): Okra is a green vegetable with a distinct slimy texture when cooked. It's used in curries, stews, and fried dishes. 

 24. पन्या फल (Tomato): Tomatoes are red or yellow fruits used as vegetables in cooking. They're used in salads, sauces, and various dishes. 

 25. केरी (Cucumber): Cucumbers are elongated, green vegetables with a refreshing and watery texture. They're often eaten raw in salads.

 26. कौदी (Ridge Gourd): Ridge gourd is a long, green vegetable with a ridged surface. It's commonly used in curries and chutneys. 

 27. फरसीको बीउ (Bean Seeds): These are the seeds of bean pods, often used for planting new bean plants or for cooking. 

 28. पिंडालु (Pumpkin): Pumpkins are orange or yellow squash with a sweet taste. They can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. 

 29. सीताफल (Custard Apple): Custard apple is a tropical fruit with creamy flesh and a sweet flavor. It's often eaten fresh.

 30. ककरो (Radish Pods): These are the edible pods that form on radish plants after flowering. They're used as a vegetable in various dishes. 

 31. तोतोपी (Cauliflower Leaves): Cauliflower leaves are the large, green leaves of the cauliflower plant. They can be used as a leafy green vegetable.

 32. तोमाटो (Tomato): Tomatoes are round or oval fruits that are used as vegetables in cooking. They add flavor and color to dishes. 

 33. घिउ (Wheat): Wheat is a cereal grain used to make flour for various baked goods, such as bread, pasta, and pastries. 

 34. जिम्बु (Lemon): Lemons are sour citrus fruits used for their juice and zest in cooking and as a flavoring agent. 

 35. दल (Lentil): Lentils are legumes used for their high protein content. They come in various colors and are used in soups, stews, and curries. 

 36. काउलीको ढल (Cauliflower Stalks): These are the thick stalks of the cauliflower plant, often used in cooking. 

 37. तोफु (Tofu): Tofu is a soy-based protein made by curdling soy milk. It's a versatile ingredient used in various cuisines. 

 38. सजिव (Lettuce): Lettuce is a leafy green vegetable used as a base for salads or as a wrap for fillings. 

 39. तितो टमाटर (Cherry Tomato): Cherry tomatoes are small, round tomatoes that are often eaten raw or used as a garnish.

 40. घिउको पिठो (Wheat Flour): Wheat flour is a powdery substance obtained from grinding wheat grains. It's used to make various baked goods Remember that some names might vary based on regional dialects or specific local terms. Good luck with your blog post!

vegetables name in nepali [ 100 सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण नेपाली तरकारी नाम ] Names Of Vegetables In Nepali

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